What Does a Fuel Filter Do?

The fuel filter keeps out dirt and debris particles from a vehicle’s fuel line and prevents their entry into a vehicle’s engine. Fuel filters become obstructed due to dirt or rust in the fuel tank, and by the normal deterioration of the fuel line. Most manufacturers recommend replacing the fuel filter every 30,000 miles. If service history is unavailable, visually inspecting the fuel filter is the next best way to determine if it needs replaced.

The fuel filter may need to be replaced more often if: you get bad gas, or gas with alcohol in it. Or, use ethanol gas, especially E85 or drive frequently on gravel roads.

Here are some symptoms that a faulty fuel filter can cause; extended engine starts due to clogged fuel filter and lack of, or poor engine performance.

Here are some symptoms that a severe faulty fuel filter can cause: engine hesitation or stalling, rough engine idle, and reduced engine power.

What Are the Benefits to Replacing My Fuel Filter?

Reduce Extended Cranks: Helps reduce extended engine cranking on start up.

Reduce Strain on Fuel Pump: Helps reduce strain to the fuel pump which causes premature pump failure.

Better Fuel Flow: Allows better fuel flow from the gas tank to the engine.

Reduce Expensive Repairs: Helps avoid premature, unexpected and expensive fuel system failures.

When Should I Replace My Vehicle’s Fuel Filter?

Mileage and/or Time: Services are due based on manufacturers recommendation of mileage and/or time.

Testing and/or Condition: Service is due by mileage. A rusty filter could indicate that it has been on vehicle a while.

Abnormalities: If filter has damage or engine runs rough (see repair facility for further diagnosis & repair).

*Disclaimer: All Additional Services are Recommended Based on Mileage, unless otherwise noted or previous service history is available to reference.
Fuel Filter conditions and photos are used for illustration and informative purposes for the customer.

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